The Land & Climate Podcast
The editorial team from The Land and Climate Review interview thinkers and policymakers in the world of economics, land-use and climate policy. Find more on our site at www.landclimate.org
The Land & Climate Podcast
Why is the EU backtracking on green agriculture?
Land and Climate Review
Alasdair speaks to Faustine Bas-Defossez about the relationship between sustainable farming policy and the European farmers' protests.
Faustine Bas-Defossez is Director for Nature, Health and Environment at the European Environmental Bureau, a Europe-wide network of environmental citizens' organisations.
Alasdair and Faustine discuss the Nature Restoration Law, reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy and what the upcoming European elections might mean for the future of EU agriculture.
Audio engineering by Vasko Kostovski.
Further reading:
- NGOs unite against EU’s rollback of green policies for the agrifood sector, Euractiv
- Europe is not prepared for rapidly growing climate risks, European Environment Agency
- Open letter from the ECVC and IFOAM to Ursula Von der Leyen on CAP simplification, European Coordination Via Campesina
- European Pact for the Future, European Environmental Bureau
- Orbán-backed Think Tank Courts Farmers Linked to Far Right Ahead of EU Poll, Desmog
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